Global Eye Buried Treasure
t seemed, at first, like nothing more than a novelty item in the news briefs, the kind of odd, meaningless side-fact thrown off by most major stories: “New Pope, President’s Brother Had Link in Swiss Group.” But a look beneath the surface of this innocuous connection reveals a vast web of sinister alliances — and moral corruption on a world-shaking scale.
The network links a bewildering line-up of players — the Bushes, the Vatican, bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and China’s Communist overlords, among others — in a staggering array of crime and turpitude: prostitution, pedophilia, mass death and war profiteering. Yet this is not some grand “conspiracy theory,” a serpent’s egg hatched in Bilderberg or Bohemian Grove. It’s simply the way the Bush boys do business, trawling the globe for sweetheart deals and gushers of blood money from the war and terror they foment.
At the center of this particular nexus is the unlikely figure of Neil Bush, the feckless, fraudulent brother of the current president. Neilsy, as he’s known in the family, is most famous for costing American taxpayers $1 billion to bail out a savings-and-loan he had ruined with secret insider loans to his own business partners. For this massive fraud, he was fined — by his father’s administration — the princely sum of $50,000, which was actually paid by one of his dad’s political bagmen, of course.
You see, the Bushes are robber barons, not capitalists: They never risk any of their own money in the competition of the marketplace. Nor do they ever pay the price when their deals go belly-up. Just ask George W., whose first business was jump-started with secret cash from the bin Ladens, laundered through their U.S. frontman, James Bath — who was also hired by W.’s dad, then-CIA director George Bush Sr., to set up offshore companies for shifting CIA money and aircraft between Texas and Saudi Arabia, the Texas Observer reported.
May 2nd, 2005 at 3:03 pm
"Yet this is not some grand "conspiracy theory,"
* UMM, yes it is. don’t be afraid of that word.