The deeper significance of our fight against Zionism

The Palestine/Israel Conflict as a Means of Control

The NYT is not only biased in a “Jews are good and their lives are important, Palestinians are bad and their lives are unimportant” kind of way.

It is also biased because of its very wrong subtext, which is: “The Palestine/Israel conflict is an ethnic war, not a war fomented by elites to control ordinary people, both Jews and Arabs.” The way elites foment ethnic war is by portraying one ethnic group as the innocent victim of the other ethnic group’s evil. The NYT and the pro-Zionist forces are engaged in fomenting ethnic war between “Jews and we Americans who should of course identify with them” against “Palestinians and Arabs in general who are, well, Arabs.”

It is becoming increasingly evident that the elites running the U.S. and Israel and the Middle East dictatorships intentionally foment ethnic/national war as a means of social control. Sharon and Hamas use each other. The pattern is very similar to the way elites fomented ethnic war in Yugoslavia in the 1990s to control a working class population there who were not pre-occupied with who was a Croat and who was a Serb (intermarriage rates were very high) and whose strikes and massive military draft refusals were threatening elite power. The strategy consists of elites of a particular ethnic group (and often of the “opposing” group as well, in a symmetrical fashion) carrying out vicious violent attacks on the other ethnic group in the name of one’s own, followed by attacks, verbal and sometimes violent, on members of “one’s own” ethnic group who don’t go along with the ethnic war attacks. In Yugoslavia the Serb and Croat elites worked together to pit their respective populations against each other.

The Same Strategy used in WWII

This same pattern was carried out by the rulers of the U.S., Germany and Japan to control working people in each of those nations who, in the 1930’s and early 40’s, were mounting sharp struggles that the rulers feared were about to turn into revolutions. The rulers instigated World War II to regain control over their own populations. (See my book, The People As Enemy: The Leaders’ Hidden Agenda in World War II, for a full treatment of this story.) We’ve seen the same use of deliberately fomented ethnic war used as a social control strategy in Ireland. And the current war in Iraq and the larger War on Terror are similarly about social control, practically lifted from the pages of Orwell’s 1984.

The Importance of Fighting Zionism

The significance and the importance of our effort to expose Zionism and build opposition to it, is not only the immediate but modest changes that we might win and might lose again, as so often is the case. It is also significant and important in that it enables us to discuss with our friends and neighbors and colleagues the most important facts about the world in which we live – Facts which, when fully appreciated by millions of people, make it possible to really change the world in fundamental ways:

2 Responses to “The deeper significance of our fight against Zionism”

  1. point. Says:

    "[1] I use the phrase "organizations perceived as representing Jews" instead of the usual "Jewish organizations" because the latter a) encourages the false notion that Jews act as a highly organized, unified force and b) gives the false impression that most so-called "Jewish groups" have been democratically chosen. Neither is true. Jews are sharply divided, with a wide range of viewpoints on every issue. Unlike Catholics, Jews do not have a centralized leadership which makes decisions with the force of religious law. And THE GROUPS PERCEIVED AS "JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS" ARE GENERALLY NON-PROFITS ANSWERABLE ONLY TO THEIR OWN INTERNAL STRUCTURE. Thus when Abe Foxman declared, in January 1993, that Croatian President Franjo Tudjman was an opponent of antisemitism, or when he declared, in 2005, that John Paul II had changed 2000 years of history, he was not in fact speaking for Jews but for his own organization."

  2. deeper Says:

    collaboration to fit an agenda – B’nai B’rith is MASONIC. it operates in the interests of the Zionist elite while masking as a front for "ALL JEWS"

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