He was born during an eclipse (May 18, 1920) and there will be an eclipse, a rare type of partial eclipse, Friday (April 8) on the day of his burial.
And so now eyes have turned more intently to an old prophecy attributed to the Irish monk St. Malachy O’Morgair — who supposedly foresaw the entire succession of popes by using riddle-like nicknames, with the one fitting the 110th — John Paul II — being De Labore Solis, which means “from the labor of the sun.”
Indeed, John Paul II was the Pope of Fatima — where there was the famous “miracle of the sun” — and reigned during an explosion of other supernatural claims involving solar miracles. Like the sun he came out of the East (Poland). Like the sun he visited countries all around the globe. There was a glow that emanated from him.
Of the sun, yes, and with a stature that means some kind of change of era is coming. This was a giant of a man. This was “Mary’s Pope.” It was the Pope of her secret. It was as if he was there to prevent or stave off a (long-overdue) chastisement and now he is gone.
The way he died could not have been more dramatic, the “culture of life” Pope dying two days after Terri Schiavo in a benchmark case on the value of life — she prematurely put to death, in commotion, in terror, he dying with all the dignity with which the old, infirm, and disabled should die.
There was the Pope who had fought for Terri nearing the same end of the road (with even a feeding tube) but in a way that was natural and calm, in a state of prayer, such that he was able to tell his aides he was “happy” and that they too should be happy and then ending his life with Mass, more prayer, and the word, “Amen.”
The very way he died was “prophetic.” You can’t get a much more pointed ending.
Full Article:spiritdaily.com
This is the sort of back-story and drivel with which the minds of ‘the faithful’ are being poisoned. And we ‘paranoids’ from way back can’t help noticing the masonic calling-cards that whoever these people are are so fond of leaving lying around…All that Sun business.
April 15th, 2005 at 2:15 pm
Amen-Ra baby.