Florida eyes allowing residents to open fire whenever they see threat

MIAMI (AFP) – Florida’s legislature has approved a bill that would give residents the right to open fire against anyone they perceive as a threat in public, instead of having to try to avoid a conflict as under prevailing law.

Outraged opponents say the law will encourage Floridians to open fire first and ask questions later, fostering a sort of statewide Wild West shootout mentality. Supporters argue that criminals will think twice if they believe they are likely to be promptly shot when they assault someone.

Republican Governor Jeb Bush, who has said he plans to sign the bill, says it is “a good, commonsense, anti-crime issue.”
Full Article: news.yahoo.com

2 Responses to “Florida eyes allowing residents to open fire whenever they see threat”

  1. o Says:

    now there’s population control for yuh!

  2. x Says:

    my friend commented that this law would not pass because of all the old people in florida. all i could think of was that simpsons:

    "grandpa: death stocks you at every turn. ahhh! there it is!

    lisa: grandpa, that’s the cat

    grandpa: oh yeah, you’re right . . . ahhh! there it is!

    lisa: grandpa, that’s the lamp.

    grandpa: oh . . . ahhh!! there!! . . . .

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