by The Bolivarian Circles of Aragua State, Venezuela!
Mar 17, 2005, 15:37
Greetings to all the peace marchers and US citizens from the people of Venezuela on this important day!

We congratulate you on your commitment to stopping the war in Iraq and the occupation of Afghanistan. The great majority of the Venezuelan people are also in complete disagreement with the use of US military force to dominate the peoples of the Middle East and other countries, classified arbitrarily as the “Axis of Evil”. This march is vital to pressure the current Administration from desisting in its plans to invade other countries in search of oil or other primary materials, which will serve the pretensions and domination of the global corporate empire.

These countries threatened include Syria, Iran and our country…the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

One month ago, the US Navy sent an aircraft carrier and marines to the island of Curaçao, 46 miles from the Venezuelan coast. Our government was not notified of this maneuver, which is contrary to international laws and conventions. It was said that the marines were on Curaçao for Rest and Recreation! Blatant lies! This was outright intimidation!

There is written documentation that the Bush administration was involved in the coup d’etat in Venezuela of April 2002, the sabotage of our oil industry and lock out of workers in the so called general strike and economic sabotage of our economy in December 2002 – February 2003. The Washington-based National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) and US Agency for International Development (USAID) have all been financing subversive, non-democratic groups of the traitorous Venezuelan opposition – to discredit our President, Hugo Chavez, with the aim of fomenting chaos and overthrowing the democratically elected government. They are using your tax dollars to do this… were you ever asked about the use of your money to subvert other nations?

You must be told the truth now……today……at this precise moment… President Chavez has faced 9 electoral or referendum contests from December 1998 to end October 2004, and has wiped the floor each time with the fascist opposition of our country.

What other world leader has gone to the polls 9 times in 6 years? Not one!
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