EQUATORIAL GUINEA:The Dictator’s Achilles’ Heel
Saturday, August 21st, 2004IPS News
Legal action in Spain and the United States taking aim at secret bank accounts of President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea could become a weapon to help put an end to his 25-year dictatorship, say opposition leaders and activists from the West African nation.
MADRID, Jul 21 (IPS) – Legal action in Spain and the United States taking aim at secret bank accounts of President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea could become a weapon to help put an end to his 25-year dictatorship, say opposition leaders and activists from the West African nation.
The trials could mark the beginning of the end for a dictatorship ”which has turned the country into one enormous prison,” Celestino Okenve, head of the Madrid-based non-governmental group Equatorial Guinea Solidarity Forum (FSGE), which will be lodging a lawsuit in the Spanish courts, told IPS. full article
Well this ‘non-governmental group’ is clearly working in concert with the Spanish government and the oil giant who tried to pull off a coup in E.G. a few weeks ago. Watch those ‘NGO’s’… Dictators are unacceptable to the US only when they’re horning in on oil and gas profits.